Let's index these links!
In general, the word "index" is used to denote an ordered directory, also known as a register, in a reference job (e.g., encyclopedia, telephone directories, etc.). The so-called "Google Index" is the totality of all web pages recognized, i.e., crawled and stored (=indexed) by Google. SERPs are loaded solely with index pages-a page that is not in the index will not be in the SERPs. The Google Index is not static, like it is in an encyclopedia, but extremely interactive. Fresh pages are added, some of them are deleted. Crawlers jumping from link to link would be able to detect new sites. If a web page breaches the Google Guidelines on a large scale, a web page is excluded from the database, and thus from the SERPs. Moreover, the Google Index has a complex structure. This means that it is alphabetically structured and that different ranking criteria are applied to the index to provide a certain set of web pages to the search query in a certain order. This also occu...