Let's index these links!

In general, the word "index" is used to denote an ordered directory, also known as a register, in a reference job (e.g., encyclopedia, telephone directories, etc.). The so-called "Google Index" is the totality of all web pages recognized, i.e., crawled and stored (=indexed) by Google. SERPs are loaded solely with index pages-a page that is not in the index will not be in the SERPs.

The Google Index is not static, like it is in an encyclopedia, but extremely interactive. Fresh pages are added, some of them are deleted. Crawlers jumping from link to link would be able to detect new sites. 

If a web page breaches the Google Guidelines on a large scale, a web page is excluded from the database, and thus from the SERPs.

Moreover, the Google Index has a complex structure. 

This means that it is alphabetically structured and that different ranking criteria are applied to the index to provide a certain set of web pages to the search query in a certain order. 

This also occurs dynamically, as web pages and rating parameters are constantly evolving. Google's trade secret is precisely how this works.

This refers to all other search engines in the same way. The word "indexed" is sometimes used for "indexed" on the net, but this is incorrect.

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How Google fills the index

Google is enriching its index with the aid of crawlers (also called bots). A crawler hops from one connection to another and then encounters linked websites. Each new web page is being crawled, i.e., the source code is being read and sent to the index. 

The page is sorted according to different ranking factors and other rules. If you want your website to be indexed in this way, you need to make sure it gets a connection from another website. Then a crawler has to go to the other website and find a link to our site. This probability of indexing is long and uncertain.

Indexing of a website

To get your page indexed actively, you can submit your website directly to Google. There are three options:

A) You can request indexing to the website at 

http:/www.google.de/addurl/. However, the effective transmission of the data is not a guarantee of inclusion. In addition, you need to have a Google account to use this service. If you already have a Google Account, it is more sensible to use the following option:

b) You can submit a sitemap directly to Google in the Webmaster Tools 

(also called the "Search Console").

Prevent your indexing
There may be various reasons why a webmaster needs to avoid his page from appearing in the SERPs and, therefore, from appearing in the Google Index.

-The page is not yet completed or re-launched and should not be found until it is finished.

-There are grounds for copyright or data security not to make the page publicly accessible.

-Often, a webmaster doesn't want to make any subpages public, e.g., admin access or inferior sites.

-The platform is for private use only.

There are a variety of ways to avoid indexing.

a) Meta tag, "no index."

The "noindex" meta tag tells the crawler not to index the page:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex"/>

Even though most search engine crawlers stick to it, the noindex tag is just a statement.

b) Lockout rackets with robots.txt

In robots.txt, you insert the following code to block all domain pages for all access:

User-agent: *


If you just want to exclude single subfolders, the whole thing looks like this:

User-agent: *



(c) Exclude crawlers through.htaccess.

With.htaccess, you can set the password protection for the entire website or the site's specific areas.
